Discover the audiovisual leader Movemedias:
Comprehensive services, tailor-made expertise, framed architectural system.

Photo shoot
- Portrait photography, book, festive evening event, corporate, description, networking
- Cinematographic photo reportage
- Customized various photo reportage
Videomotion design: flexible and affordable video communication.
Videomotion design allows you to present your products and services clearly and adapts to all sectors of activity. Your animated film brings a dynamic and modern aspect to your web and TV campaigns.
You remain in control of the design of your videomotion design thanks to the step-by-step support of our agency, allowing you to easily make adjustments or modifications during the project.
The creation of an animated film opens up many possibilities for presenting exotic and spectacular environments to your audience, without having to manage expensive shooting arrangements.
Thanks to videomotion, your advertising campaign maintains a controlled budget, lower than that of a spot in real shooting. Refresh your brand image with a videomotion design.
Your videomotion design develops a highly creative universe that captivates your audience with modern and sleek visuals.

2D/3D Animation
- Blue box System - Green screen - Chroma Key
- 2D/3D overlays and Matrox color correction
- Shapes and masks
- Special effects - Logo animation creation
- Calibration - Titling - Infographic dressing
- Virtual camera management
- Rendering - 64-bit format and support
- Nodal operation
360° Virtual Tour
We create interactive and high-definition 360° virtual tours that can be deployed on mobile devices, VR headsets, and customizable on demand.
Whether on the ground or in the air, our experience in this technology considers all elements of virtual tour distribution, from image quality (HDR, stereoscopy, gigapixel, timelapse, etc.) to the development of specific plugins such as integration of social media distribution modules, Facebook tagging through the Gab’s Tag module developed by us, Google Maps geolocation, integration of real-time elements such as streams, elements integrated into the tour such as downloading PDFs, video and photo overlays, whether they are above or integrated into the virtual tour, and the insertion of 360° objects.
Interaction with the visitor is carried out in detail, including for mobile browsers of all technologies, with, for example, the possibility of controlling the tour using the terminal’s gyroscope, without any other interaction. Movemedias has professional certification with Google Street View accreditation – (Trusted Google Badge) – 360° PanoSphere – Local Guide Level 6 – Google Accredited Professional.

Script/ Filming Postprod/ Broadcast
- Multilanguage Storyboard and Sequencer
- Workflow Tools – SD/ HD/ 2k – 4k
- Steady cam Dolly, Travelling, Multicam
- 5-point lighting and Virtual calibration
- RT Post Production – Non-linear Virtual Mounting
- Rhytmo band
- Digital calibration
- Conformation Broadcast and Ciméma 35 mm
- Authoring DVD/Blu-ray
- Transcoding
- Kinescopy
Music Composition /
- Music production all styles
- Remix
- Symphonic electronic – Orchestration
- Mixing – Mastering – Indexing
- Sound Trim – TV/Synchro
- Effect Sound design
- Mastering Advertising Spots
- Audio Editing – Authoring Sound DVD
- Digitization – Restoration – Duplication

- Voice Over – Voix Off
- Location 5.1
- Rhythm Tape Sync – Dubbing
- Corporate Film – BA – Documentary – Film – TV – Radio
- Events – Corporate – Billboard – Liner Radio
- Pub Radio – Jingle – Audiotel -E-Learning – Spot Publicitaire
- Audio Book – Vocal Trim – Multimedia – Web – Video Game
- Podcast – CD-ROM – DVD
- Multilanguage Voice Men/Women/Children
Movemedias puts its know-how at your disposal today by integrating professional drones in your shootings:
- The Open A1, A2, A3 certification program for drone pilots (ED ED4980) includes scenarios S1, S2, and S3.
- Certificate of aggregation with the DGAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile ) CFAD France — — ( Pilotage Avion 3 axes – Autogire – Ulm – DRONE PROFESSIONNEL CERTIFICATE OPERATOR ED4980 )